Message from Gary Bobolsky – President, Santa Fe Association of Realtors
June 2016
The Bold IS the Beautiful
It isn’t easy to be bold, courageous or brave. Most of us actually go out of our way to sneak away from situations where we must act with fearlessness. Yes, there are those people that jump out of airplanes and tether their legs to bungee cords capturing the whole scenario for YouTube uploads, but most adults that I meet are innately programmed to shy away from the fear that could change their lives. This year, I’ve been inspired by some pretty incredible colleagues challenging their personal adversities (whether they were health, work or family) by standing tall in the unknown and touching the essence of bravery with their spirit. Courage does not have to be as big as we think it should be, in fact, practicing small acts of bravery every day can inspire your co-workers, clients and family. Making sincere eye contact with the grocery clerk as he scans your food can be liberating for some who find connecting uncomfortable. Sharing a hidden personal experience with a client during an interview can surprisingly make a connection that enables you to stand out from others. Saying “I don’t know” should not be the scariest words uttered when asked a professional question from the public. Trusting our intuition about a new endeavor can be downright daunting. We can’t deny that most people struggle every day with fears of some sort, but we can learn to embrace fear by taking those small steps and relishing in its unfamiliarity. Over time, our minds and bodies will become used to this new language whereby the dynamic of our soul and being BOLD will just be like everything else common to us – second nature.
Enjoy your 2-minutes of BOLD-ness inspiration: