Monthly Archives: September 2024


By Rey Post
Associate Broker, Sotheby’s International Realty
Host of the “All Things Real Estate” Radio Show
September 21 & 22, 2024

The “All Things Real Estate radio show airs this Saturday, September 21 (3pm Mountain Time) and Sunday, September 22 (12pm Mountain Time) on Santa Fe’s Talk 1260 AM KTRC and 103.7-FM, and streams on, as well as via the “Listen Now” link at

Each month, the program features its main host and Sotheby’s International Realty Associate Broker—Rey Post , or other real estate professionals who also host their own version of the program. Since 2009, the show’s hosts—joined each week by a variety of guest commentators—have made ATRE a favorite weekend destination for listeners from all over the country.

On the show airing this Saturday and Sunday, join Rey and his special guests-—Donna Jones White, owner of Santa Fe Vacation Rentals, and Ned Jacobs, a principal at the Quezada Jacobs Allstate Insurance Agency, for a conversation about current real estate and business issues, as we begin the fall season.

According to the National Weather Service, there are two times a year when the Earth’s axis is tilted to a point where there is “nearly equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes.” The apparent equal hours of daylight and darkness result from the refraction of sunlight, or the bending of light’s rays. This refraction causes the Sun to appear above the horizon when it is actually below the horizon.

During the autumnal equinox—one of the two dates cited by the National Weather Service—the Sun crosses the celestial equator going from north to south. In the Northern Hemisphere after the autumnal equinox, the days begin to get shorter as the winter solstice gets closer.

Santa Fe Vacation Rentals, LLC, Update:

Besides speaking to the show theme—of how the fall season impacts her business—Donna will also review the home rental services that her company offers to domestic and international clients. In addition, Donna will discuss how she and her colleagues are constantly working to provide their clients—via the ATRE radio show and other communication tools—the most accurate news and data regarding the finest property rentals available in the city. Whether it is for a vacation destination, a furnished 30-day, or a long-term unfurnished property, Donna’s firm is well-known for offering some of the best options to visitors who make Santa Fe a destination. As one of the most popular commentators over the years on the ATRE radio show, Donna is offering her quarterly observations throughout 2024, on a variety of important Santa Fe real estate and business issues.

Insurance Update In Real Estate:

Ned will reflect on fall season-related insurance issues that he believes are important to home owners, buyers, sellers, renters and business owners. Of particular focus, Ned will share information about resources and tools offered by Allstate that enables homeowners to take preventive measures for their homes and yards, to protect against wildfires. Ned will emphasize that this topic is such a serious one for all homeowners in our region, that empowering them to learn more about taking action, truly works. Below—in another section of the email blast—Ned is offering additional information on wildfire prevention and fire proofing.

Ned will also offer information on how his clients can learn what the process is for filing a claim with Allstate, including tracking and settling the claim. And Ned will also review the value of insurance, as it offers protection and manages risk for consumers as we close out the month of September.

The Quezada Jacobs Family Allstate Insurance Agency, offers a range of products including home, condo, renter, auto, life and business insurance, designed to protect a consumer, personally and financially. In 2024, Ned has returned as a quarterly commentator on the ATRE program, offering answers to insurance questions that emerge throughout the year. Speaking to the value of working with Ned’s insurance agency, here is a testimonial from one of his happy clients.

Rey’s “Real Estate Recommendation”:

Rey’s weekly real estate recommendation offers news and information on a variety of home buying and selling, community, and business issues–as well as world events–that impact the lives and work of consumers and real estate professionals. Since “everything” is real estate–in one way or another–Rey’s commentary is intended to offer a perspective that speaks to a range of topics, no matter their origin.

Reflections On The Brokers And Listings Of Sotheby’s International Realty:

Rey will share his thoughts on the professional expertise, knowledge and commitment of his fellow associate broker colleagues at Sotheby’s International Realty, as well as the quality of the listings that the company offers to home buyers who wish to make Santa Fe their home.

SFAR Real Estate Highlight:

This week, Santa Fe City released a public draft of Phase 1 of the Land Development Code update. The full draft of the updated land use code is available for community review and input at the project website. Santa Fe City’s land use code governs all aspects of the City’s built environment, including development review and approval processes, zoning districts, building development standards, and urban design. Community meetings to introduce the draft and highlight important changes were held on Tuesday, September 17 and Wednesday, September 18, as well as on Thursday, September 19 as part of the City’s Planning Commission Study Session at City Hall.

Santa Fe Real Estate Highlight is a real time industry message from the Santa Fe Association of REALTORS®.

Wildfire Prevention & Fire Proofing:

Ned Jacobs of the Quezada Jacobs Family Allstate Insurance Agency, LLC offers some useful information about how to protect your home and property from wildfires through fire proofing your home, wildfire prevention, and wildfire safety. Go to this link.

ATRE Marks 15 Years Of Airing On June 1st & 2nd, 2024:

Since ATRE began airing in June 2009, the show has broadcast on more than 850 occasions, offering commentary from more than 3,500 guests, representing Santa Fe and national real estate, business, governmental, entertainment, and community organizations. Besides airing every Saturday and Sunday on two Santa Fe, NM radio stations—and streaming globally on—ATRE is offered via a professionally produced podcast, fashioned by one of the best podcast studios in the country. Rey is honored that ATRE has been embraced by the listening audience, with people in Santa Fe, throughout New Mexico, and across the country selecting the show as a destination each weekend. He is also very appreciative of the program’s corporate supporters, the broadcast professionals at Hutton Broadcasting, and the marketing team and fellow associate brokers at Sotheby’s International Realty, for all that they have done to make the show a success. For background on ATRE, here is a link to its 15-year anniversary press release.

ATRE Wins National Award

In January 2020, RISMedia—the leading information and news provider for the residential real estate industry—named ATRE as one of their “2020 Newsmakers.” Cited as a nationally recognized industry leader, ATRE was characterized by RISMedia as “making a difference in the real estate and homeownership sectors, and whose actions have a far-reaching and profound impact on the real estate industry.” ATRE won in the category of “Trendsetters” in real estate, with information on this award at: Rey is honored to be a recipient of this special award and thanks all of the professionals who have contributed to ATRE’s success.

Giving Back to the Community

Since 2009, the “All Things Real Estate” (ATRE) radio show has offered air time to a variety of Santa Fe non-profit and community organizations. Representatives from organizations are able to use the ATRE program to share news and information with northern New Mexico residents about their services and activities. Over the years, some of the highly-regarded non-profit organizations featured on the ATRE program are: —New StoryNative Treasures Art MarketCornerstones Community PartnershipsThink New MexicoLas Campanas Compadres; the Santa Fe Concorso; Kitchen AngelsCreative Santa FeDollars4Schools; and Youthworks. Senior Officers of the CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, have also served as commentators on the program. In addition, Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber who has offered commentary on the show since first elected in 2018—speaks to the programs, events and community activities important to the residents of the city. In 2019, the Town of Taos collaborated with ATRE, in a year-long information series—sponsored by the Taos Ski Valley—called “This Is Taos.” Designed to offer useful information about this historic northern New Mexico community, the monthly show earned high marks from the public. Among the companies and non-profit organizations joining in supporting this monthly show series were: Taos Mesa Brewing; the Taos Center for the Arts; the Taos Arts Council; the Taos Gallery Association; the Taos Opera Institute; as well as Taos Behavioral Health, the Strong at Heart, and Taos MainStreet Accelerator projects.

Anywhere Real Estate Disaster Relief Fund

Anywhere Gives has opened the Anywhere Disaster Relief Fund (ADRF) for the purpose of providing direct assistance to Anywhere’s family of employees, franchisees and sales agents who have been affected by federally declared major disasters. In addition, donors may direct donations toward the American Red Cross to support its relief efforts. If you wish to help, please make a donation by credit card through this secure website below. You will specify the company brand/business unit in the donation field. Donations made to General Support (“Anywhere”) will be distributed to applicants at the discretion of Anywhere Gives. To donate, go to this link for more information: Anywhere Gives is a 501 (c)(3) public charity supporting the philanthropic and volunteer activities of Anywhere Real Estate Inc. and its family of companies in communities where Anywhere has a presence. Contributions made to this site will be managed by Anywhere Gives. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and individuals should consult their tax professional to determine the amount to claim as a tax deduction. Anywhere Gives is incorporated in Delaware and its tax ID is 20-0755090. Anywhere Real Estate delivers its real estate services through its well-known industry brands including Sotheby’s International Realty®.

As always, listener email questions and comments are welcome during the broadcast. Join in the conversation by calling Rey with your own questions or comments at 202-550-2411 or you can email Rey at:

Check out the radio show and tune in via the Internet: Go to and click on the “Listen Now” button.

***Every Thursday in 2024 at 3pm (Mountain Time), tune in to the Richard Eeds Show to hear Rey interviewed, offering a weekday version of “Rey’s Real Estate Recommendation.” The Eeds’ show can be heard on KTRC’s 1260-AM and 103.7-FM, as well as via the “Listen Now” link at